Sunday, September 14, 2008

Couch to 5K: Week 2 Day 1

Today was the 1st day of Week 2 of my new running program: Couch to 5K (well, new to me anyway). I'm starting a blog because I want to remember how great running makes me feel. In SO many ways:

  • Because I never thought I'd be a runner (I've always been an athlete, but running was the one "sport" that didn't agree with me).
  • Because in the last 7-8 years, I've gained weight and my joints have been aching and sometimes I had trouble walking. I'm finally losing weight and able to move without pain.
  • Because I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the TV screen on the treadmill in front of me and feel like I'm in a movie -- the girl who beats all odds and learns to run!
  • Because this regimen is to be run 3 times a week - the same amount that most doctors recommend for a healthy heart. It's nice to think I'm doing something right!
  • Because it makes me feel alive.
  • Because of the endorphins!!! (the spell checker thinks that I meant morphine and that makes me laugh).
  • Because I now feel like I'm joining part of an exclusive club.
  • Because I am re-framing the way I think of myself.
  • Because it helps me fall asleep.
I have to say, it's much easier than I anticipated. 30 minutes. 3 times a week. I find myself, on my off days, wishing it were an "on" day. I'm trying to slowly add in healthy habits. Once I get up and running (ha! no pun intended), I will add in yoga (er, that's the plan anyway). Oh, also, I've been doing the "plank (an ab/core exercise) and some arm strength training on my running days as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Why doesn't this awesome blog ever get updated? I'm dieing to know what happens next!